Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scrum and Large Projects; Yes They Work Well Together

"Does Scrum work on large projects?" is a question that I often wondered throughout my career. I've participated in a lot of large projects which started off as Scrum but then morphed into some weird waterfally/agile hybrid mess. These types of projects still had bi-monthly planning, demo, and retrospective meetings but only had a singular release. We found these frustrating projects to be a part of because they usually ran long and were really buggy when launched.

Because of our previous failed attempts, I had all but reserved myself to the grim reality that Scrum probably wasn't the most ideal methodology for projects that take at least 6 months and touch many different parts of your application. But that's only the start of the story.

In the beginning of 2014, our development team was tasked with a large rebuild of, including; big data visitor intention profiling, a custom content management & tagging system for content publishing, overhauled site architecture, and more. I was skeptical that we'd be able to pull off a single public release while also continuing to adhere to the principles of Scrum, but we did it and learned lots of lessons in the process.

I wrote an article about the agile development lessons learned on a large project. If your team is embarking on a large project and you understand that benefits that Scrum brings to your organization, read the above link so you don't have to learn the lessons the hard way, as we did.

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